Home / HBCSE CAMPUS / Life at HBCSE Campus 47

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- Night life at #HBCSE
- Purple-rumped Sunbird (Male), HBCSE
- keeping eyes on us..
- elemonia Dimidiata Spider (Female)
- The one is born here and become our!
- Greater Yam Hawkmoth, a moth from family Sphingidae
- Gastracantha-web
- Oriental Magpie Robin (Female), HBCSE Campus
- Oriental WhiteEye at HBCSE
- Purple-rumped Sunbird (Male), HBCSE
- Red-whiskered Bulbul, HBCSE
- Rose Ringed Parakeet on Guava Tree, HBCSE
- White throated Kingfisher (HBCSE)
- Ashy Drongo (HBCSE)